Coca cola Unethical practices at kala dera, jaipur(rajasthan)

Ethics are often defined as going beyond what's legal and doing what's right, even when nobody is looking. So once we are talking about unethical behaviour in business, we're talking about actions that do not conform to the suitable standards of business operations, failing to try to what's right in every situations.

In some cases, it's going to be a private within a business who is unethical within the course of his or her and at other times, we're talking about the company culture, where the entire business is corrupt from the highest down , with disastrous results for society.

Some of the common examples of Unethical practices are:

  • ·       Exploiting workers
  • ·       Exploiting tax loopholes
  • ·       Misleading the facts
  • ·       Creating fake identities
  • ·       Not giving proper remuneration
  • ·       Gender decimation
  • ·       Child labour, etc.

I would like give my opinion on unethical practices done by the company Coca Cola.
The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational corporation and manufacturer, retailer and manufacturer of non-alcoholic beverage. The corporate started operating in India since 1950. The unethical practice terminated by 'Coca-Cola' was the case of 'Kala Dera'. Let me explain it out--

Kala Dera may be a large village outside the village of Jaipur (Rajasthan) where agriculture is that the primary source of livelihood. Coca-Cola step-up its production unit at Kala Dera in 2000. And within a year, the community began to notice a rapid decline in groundwater levels. Unusable well water at kala dera is confirmed for the use of the production

That was the worst situation. For farmers, losing of groundwater effected directly into loss of their income. For women, it mean having to steer a further 5-6 kilometres just to fetch water to satisfy the essential daily needs of the family. for several children in Kala Dera, it mean leaving schools to supply much needed hand doing household works since the ladies had additional burdens.
The community in Kala Dera organised itself to challenge the Coca-Cola company for the deficiency of water conditions- through extraction and pollution and demanded the closure of the Coca-Cola plant.

So, this is often only the unethical practice of Coca Cola that I assumed would be the foremost concern one because it affect the livelihood of the farmers and also affect the education system.

I hope you my blog will be informative to you and do share your views on this blog by commenting on it.

Thank you,
Sameer srivastava


  1. It's really informative but please be more factual true

    1. its ture you can go for the refferance link which i have mentioned in my blog.

  2. Well the information was good

  3. Well informed about coca cola and it is unethical we should try to is good for our health

  4. You've done a great work.. Please keep it up

  5. Is Coca-Cola is a big MNC all over the world it should not do small mistakes which can affect its market strongly

    1. After this news came out it affect the market of company or not

    2. it effect the only a paticular regin of India(rajasthan) as the peoples living in kala dera started protesting to ban coca cola
      but overall it dones'nt made any difference to the coca cola market as many peoples are still unaware of this news

  6. This blog gives us a very good information that some big companies follow unethical tricks and tips to gain profit by misleading wrong advertisements.

  7. Thank you for the information it was not known to me

  8. Very informative.. Helped me in my assignment alot

  9. Really an informative one.
    Keep it up.

  10. Good presentation of data and information was helpful to me

  11. According to you How would you advice the govt . So that they can take steps to avoid similar situations in the future?

    1. i would like to suggest that before giving permission to any sector for setting up there production unit they must assure that, that particular area should have enough resoures which will neither effect the production of the company nor the pepole living there.
      and government should set a terms and condition for the company that for using the resoure the company is owe to do CSR.

  12. what is your next survey regarding this topic..

  13. Does any other bevrage brand indulge in similar kind of unethical practices

    1. I think nearly all brands do like this

    2. But this man is only targeting coca cola🤨

  14. Is there any other company or sector who are doing the same?

  15. Good information has been will be helpful.....

  16. Very good blog, informative
    How would you advice the government so that they can take steps to avoid simiiar situtions in the future

    1. I would like to suggest government of India to give more important in CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) and ensure that every company in India are enhancing CSR.

  17. Nice work and happy to see the efforts put on this work

  18. Amazed to know that coca cola is also indulge in this type of practices

  19. Very authentic kind of information provided sameer nice work done

  20. That's your perception that coca cola is the foremost concern for affecting the liveliness Of farmer and our education system. Then what do you think could have been done by us or by our government?

    1. before giving the permission i think government should have first survey any finded out the availiblity of the resources, which should be appropraite for the production purpose and for the local people.

  21. On reading this article , I came to tealise the water crisis that the community of kala dera is facing and I firmly agree that the government should take appropriate measures to either provide for the difficulties faced by those people or take particular actions against the coca-ccola company set up there of.

  22. Great to know the information... keep updating....


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